Fantasy vs Reality

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If you’re like me you look at everything through 2 lenses, fantasy and reality. You hope for the fantasy, are aware of the reality and then create the happy medium. On one had, you have what you hope is gonna happen, how you hope the experience will make you feel. On the other hand, you have what could happen, what will most likely happen. We always hope that it turns out like your fantasy, but most often it ends up being a happy medium. I tend to like this way of thinking, because it allows me to dream, but still stay grounded in reality. However, constantly shifting between both scenarios in your head becomes very emotionally taxing. Sometimes, the constant shifting of perspective can lead you to not doing anything at all. When I say fantasy, I don’t mean it in the sense that it is improbable, I mean it in the sense that this is the more appealing, dream like scenario. When I say reality, I mean it in the sense that this is the less fantastical scenarios, it’s average. So when you’r deciding between which one to psych yourself into, which do you choose? Do you chose, reality and no expectations? Or, do you choose fantasy, and heightened expectations? The choice you make doesn’t change the outcome of what’s going to happen but it impacts the way the scenario affects you. The choice you make, is your way of protecting yourself of the outcome. Do you shield yourself or do you let it all just happen?


To Moments


To what I forgot