To my tenderhearted healer

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To my tenderhearted healer…

You are such an amazing, lovely, kindhearted, soft-spoken soul. You are definitely the smartest and most approachable person I know. I want to thank you. You were one of the first people not to outwardly panic in front of me. I could tell that you were scared and worried for my life, but you told me “I’d be ok”. I usually don’t like it when people say that because I know that they don’t really know that. It may be because you’re a neurologist or just because of the way your eyes spoke when you said it, but I knew that even if I didn’t believe it, you wouldn’t give up on me until I believed you. You and my mother are friends, colleagues and I know that treating her daughter could’ve given you pause. Throughout the years I’ve learnt a lot about you and I know that you love what you do but I also know that you must be tired. You have two daughters, who also have their own struggles, and after dealing with me and countless other patients you still take the time to bake gluten free, dairy free, nut free, kosher muffins for your girls, and you never let me see that you’re struggling. Since day one you have done nothing but support and care for me. I could call you anytime and I knew you’d answer, I may have taken advantage of that privilege, and for that I am sorry. You were always the bridge between all of my doctors and you kept them in check. You are a source of information regarding doctors, supplements, homeopathy and different studies coming out on girls with concussions. You were always able to separate a doctor’s ego from their talents. Although, you are not a therapist, you have always been my best and favorite therapist. I come into your office in the worst moods, I ask you to turn off the lights because they hurt my eyes and spend the whole time complaining about how sick I feel, how bad my relationship with my sisters and parents is, how much everything hurts and how much I don’t emotionally feel anything. You see this, you listen to all of it, you turn off the lights, offer me tea, give me advice on the emotional aspects of my pain and then pull out one of your fat books and start looking for supplements, homeopathy and treatment plans to appease all of my numerous pains. You email doctors, look for new ones and when they don’t answer your emails, you continuously email them until they answer. You make me feel like more than a patient and more than just another source of cash. You call me by my first name and you ask how I’m doing first, not how I’m feeling. When the game plan doesn’t work you move on to the next, you don’t make me feel like it’s my fault it hasn’t worked. Although my health keeps declining and I haven’t had many good days, I know that if I do start getting better you will have had a tremendous part in that. To you I am eternally grateful.

The girl who keeps calling,

The one who endlessly appreciates you


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