How Are You?

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How are you, really?

I bet you said good.  Everyone asks this question, but why do the majority of people lie when answering it? Is it because it’s so over used that we don’t consider it a genuine question anymore?  Even when learning a new language, you learn the question: “how are you?”, then the answer: “good”.  When you ask someone how they’re doing do you really care what they answer?  What if they answer honestly and they’re not feeling “good”, would you sit with them and listen?  It might be too much to ask for a bunch of strangers to be honest with each other and divulge their emotional thoughts with one another. Have you ever walked into the doctor’s office and the doctor asks “How are you?” and you answer “good”, isn’t that crazy, a doctor’s only job is to make you feel better; then when they ask how you’re doing, you lie!  Why don’t we answer honestly?


To the doctor who said I should’ve died


To the Beginning