To Father Time

Belle Babies

Chapter 14

To Father Time...
I don’t like you very much. You confuse me. Teach me how to work with you. Allow me the ability to adapt to you. I think about you constantly. The toaster is taking forever, this song is so long, that flight was so short, this movie is never ending, those seconds pass by like hours, when will the sun go back up, where’s the moon… I’m never late, but I always feel like I’m running late. When I was 10, I thought “I need to get married I need to have kids, I’ll be 20 in 10 years”. Now that I’m 22 I think “I need to have kids, in 10 years I’ll be 32 and that’s when your eggs start to die”. Society isn’t pressuring me into having kids or getting married. I’ve been like this since before I ever knew society even existed. To be honest, I don’t need to get married, I haven’t thought a whole lot about it; but, I need to have kids. That’s all I’ve ever wanted. Do you think I’m crazy? Do I have more time that I think? Do you give everybody different schedules or do we all have the same one? Will you give me the time I feel I need, or do you know the time I really need? Do you choose how much time each person needs? How did you come to be?

The one that’s always on time and feeling late,

Teach me


Understanding Boredom


Pain cycles