Got Married?

Nashville Bedroom.JPG

For the last few weeks, every few nights, in my dreams, I get married to someone new. It’s so weird, and kind of fun. It’s not necessarily anyone I’ve had crushes on, or was ever particularly fond of, but it’s fun! At first it was strictly people from my high school, so when I’d wake up I’d wonder what the dreams meant.

Have any of you ever wanted to reconnect with people from high school? Since leaving high school, I’ve always wanted to reach out to a few class mates and go on a road trip, one on one. I find that the best conversations happen while driving, so I’d love to meet up with a random person from my grade and go on a long drive. Ideally, a long drive, overnight camping and a long drive back. I think it’d be interesting to get their take, on how they thought their high school experience went. I want to know, what they thought of the different groups in our grade, what was going on in their lives, what they’re doing now? I want to know more. I think about this a lot, probably once a week, so when these dreams started, that’s what I thought they related to. But then, I got married to I guy I met in Prague last summer, and since I’ve been getting married to basically anyone I’ve ever met, that’s around my age.

So now I have no fucking clue what the dreams could mean. Have you ever gotten married to people in a dream? What do you think it means?



To what I didn’t know


To Sleeplessness